The Birmingham Theatre School

Course costs £195 per term. In addition each student receives part funding for the costs from the learning and skills council. A deposit of £95 is required to confirm your accepted place, this is offset against the final terms fees.

Course costs £1900 per term £5700 per annum. The additional course costs for this programme are sponsored
by the learning and skills council. A deposit of £570 will be required to secure your accepted place. This will be held and used to offset the final term fees. Career Development Plans: This scheme administered by the Royal Bank of Scotland or Barclays Bank provides a potential source of assisted funding. Information packs available from main branches.

If you have not been in receipt of any or part of higher education local authority funding,
then you are entitled to assistance with your fees. For further information an outlining document entitled
'Financial Support for Students of Higher Education' is available from your own local education authority

1 student doing 1 class per term = £69
1 student doing 2 classes per term = £118
1 student doing 3 classes per term = £167

1 Class (11 weeks) £69.00 per term


Matthew Boulton College